Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Kaepernick: a true American

So I was going to write a blog giving reasons why I support Kaepernick  and what I think *blah blah blah*. But then I figured....Why?

Why waste my time giving the historical and present day reasons as to why many Americans (black and white) feel as though they are justified in protesting the national anthem? I can give you oppression story after oppression story, I can call a psychologist to give you all the slavery and post slavery psychological damage that has been done and how it is all visibly manifested today. I can tell you about the active measures taken by our government against its own citizens. I could tell you that in the present day the African American experience is a little different than the European American (That's my new term for white Americans lol)

But why? You've heard and dismissed them already before. So I decided I'd rather give my analysis on the other side and point out the hypocrisy in their position.

So let's start with the public disgust towards Kaepernick.

If you are upset with Kaepernick's stance I will have to accuse you of being UN-AMERICAN. The public and media reprisal that Kaepernick has received for speaking out runs counter to our core values we should have as Americans. Any healthy democracy needs open discourse without fear of condemnation (thus our freedom of speech.) So the fact that by taking this stance he may lose endorsement and certainly public favor, reflects very poorly on us as Americans. So now I, Evandro Monteiro, will have teach you what it is to be a true American.

Since when is it un-American to protest your government? Let's turn the pages of the constitution and fin....Oh Wait we don't have to turn the page because it's the FIRST FUCKING AMENDMENT. In the first amendment the founding fathers for some reason saw it necessary for this (at the time) new Republic to have the right to petition and protest its own government! If you think that's radical, The Declaration of Independence says we have the right to alter or abolish a government no longer serving the people.

Now, what would make them put such a thing in the DOI and the first amendment of the constitution? Could it be... *read this sentence very fast* that they were seeking refuge from a tyrannical government abroad that believed its King ruled by divine right and anyone who spoke out against him would fear retribution without fair trial? *stop reading fast* Maybe.Who really knows?

So it boils down to this.

Is Kaepernick an American Citizen?
Are African Americans in this country American citizens?
Have they and are they given full access to Freedom, Equality, and the Pursuit of Happiness?
Most African Americans say no. 
Most European Americans say yes. 

(Oh the irony in one half's ability to speak for the other.)

As American Citizens do they, by the Declaration of Independence and Constitution have a right to petition ad ask government for alteration?


I'll tell you what it is.

1) The American government and a majority of European Americans (lol) have bought the narrative that:*stern white man voice* Whatever was done has been done. It happened in the past and everything's good and equal now so be quiet, brush your teeth, eat your breakfast, and go to work.*exit stern white man voice* (we've all heard this sentiment expressed in some form or another)

2) Too many Americans identify their (Americaness) through its military. And military's are necessary for any country to sustain its self but it should not be the institution of which we tie our nationalism to. Are we Athenians or Spartans? Why not ideals like *drum-roll* the concept of Individual rights, a self government by the people, or the separation of church and state? Do you see how many beautiful things you could take pride in being American for rather than beer, guns, and terrible foreign policy.  

3) Most European Americans (lol) cannot bare the sight of someone other than another European American (lol) having any fundamental criticism of their government. Saying their government or founding fathers were wrong or immoral in any way just eats their soul. (This speaks on the fact that many Americans still hold the view that America is a white nation. That idea is another blog for another day.)

*list over*

So put those three things I just listed in a cauldron and throw in some Chemical X and you have 50+ year old, 250+ lbs, numb minded American eating a bacon cheeseburger with a side of buffalo wings sitting in front of his TV on Football Sunday, repulsed and disgusted that Kaepernick dare stand in defiance of his precious "Murica"

What I want you take away from this is not that I hate America(though those stereotypes would make you believe so) ideally I love it. It's that we have to stop seeing that guy described above as the epitome of what a true American is and call out those who use its name in vain. Because it is in the name of America that they rebuke Kaepernick, as though they are its gate keeper. It is hypocrisy at its finest. It is more American to hold your government accountable than to blindly trust it and always come to its defense when criticism is evoked. Point blank.

If the Founding Father had one pick, would they choose an American citizen that developed a negative emotional response towards criticism of their government or an American citizen willing to hold them accountable when necessary? It was with their foresight and understanding of human nature that they established a form of government founded on an informed public (kept informed by a free and open press.) This public then, in turn, elected officials and the officials were then, in turn, kept in line by checks and balances. All this because they knew where there is power, corruption would seek residence and so we should never turn a blind eye to government and always be willing to hold them accountable. Thus, skepticism and accountability, rather than faith and nationalism are what keep a Republic healthy. The Founding Fathers said all this nigga not me,

I say all that to say this. If your criticizing Kaepernick for criticizing America how he saw fit and calling him Un-American for it 
Then well...I'm sorry to say but your...Un-American
It's American to criticize America. We were very unique in the world for this right at a time.
It is built into the fabric of the nation that citizens should be able point out wrongs and ask that action be taken. Don't let someone make you feel Un-American for that.


If you turn that into a hashtag and it blows up I want my credit.

*post blog* Now if you think he has a right to criticize America but think his argument has no substance then anytime you want me and Baudelaire can sit you down and share some facts with you. And I don't take the word fact lightly.


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Great Quotes

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" - Alan Watts