Monday, December 16, 2013

Quote Myself

"if unconventional works better than conventional then unconventional should become conventional"

-Evandro Monteiro

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Slim Pickings

Read a blog post today titled "why men dont have balls anymore" i reposted it on fb but hell i might as well give you the link here ( ) it was a good blog and most importantly very relevant to the times. the overall theme is that men basically are afraid to go all in for a woman. Just throw everything on the table and do whatever it takes for a girl "like they used to." we all have the image of the early and mid nineties man courting the woman blah blah blah which brings up my favorite quote of the article "maybe im nostalgic for a time that never was" because i bet men were assholes back in the day and had similar tendencies. (This is gunna turn kinda family guy-ish were the end has nothing to do with the beginning kind of) (like i said i dont think these through i just write)

But the culture now and at least what we "know" as then are undoubtedly different. And i do think that alot of men are grown differently, and not differently in a good way, differently in a bad way.

Where do i start........okay lets just start with the 4-point play ONE DAY YOU WILL HOPEFULLY MAKE A WOMAN YOUR LIFE PARTNER. YOU WILL HAVE SEX WITH THIS WOMAN. YOU WILL TELL THIS WOMAN MORE THAN YOU EVER TOLD ANYONE ELSE. YOU WILL LOVE THIS WOMAN MORE THAN ANY FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER EVER. and the only time you will ever love anything more than her IT WILL COME OUT OF HER VAGINA. okay that was five points but hey you get the point.

I dont believe in soul mates (i mean this in the way that you were destined to be with this person) because i dont believe in mystical BS but the vast public does and the soul mate concept is one mystical concept i hope theyd pick back up. There's some women you get along with more than others, try to find the one you do with most. People FAR to often down play and deny the importance of finding a compatible significant other. If you measure it pound for pound on a scale of quality of life what could hold more weight than a perfect significant other? I mean like a best-friend that you can have sex with. A best-friend you could have kids with. Not a degree. Not a hobby. NOT EVEN A FAMILY for you cant start one of your own. especially if you come from a broken one, its your chance to stop the cycle.
**side note**
I know people will be skeptical of the family one but look at it like this if you had to be trapped on a island with your family or a woman its an obvious least to me
**regularly scheduled program**

Senior year i had Mr. Tucker for sociology and that nigga told us he was with his wife for like 50+ years and he told us to guess ONE trait/quality that kept him and his wife together the whole time. We threw out EVERYTHING, love,trust,acceptance,forgiveness, you name it. There had to be 20-30 words on the board before we gave up and said BEST-FRIEND. I aint going that shit made a thug feel fuzzy inside. But he was truly winning. Not only was he married that long (the length means nothing) but even after that long as an old man he is so happy about his relationship HE BRAGS ABOUT IT TO HIS STUDENTS.

I think the idea of being "in your prime" is so bright that it blinds alot of guys. And in hindsight its one of the shortest periods of your life only lasts about four years or so (your a teenager for much longer, even more an adult, and then even more middle aged and even more an old man) and guess who's coming along for the ride for all but your teenage years.......So if you neglect the search for a life partner in return for a few short glory years here's the bad news. There are some smart niggas out there(Like Mr.Tucker), and there goodlooking, and they can cook, speak other languages and all the above and they going grab them up EARLY and you'll be left with......slim pickings.

Oh the ripe fruit will be gone and you'll be left to find the fallen apples that haven't gone rotten just yet. and more than likely you was the nigga

"fucking bitches"
"not looking for a relationship"
calling niggas "soft"
making fun of niggas body counts

But the day will come when one mans takes home the golden apple and YOU may be left with....slim pickings

One of my biggest fears is being 28+ and single.