Monday, December 16, 2013

Quote Myself

"if unconventional works better than conventional then unconventional should become conventional"

-Evandro Monteiro

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Slim Pickings

Read a blog post today titled "why men dont have balls anymore" i reposted it on fb but hell i might as well give you the link here ( ) it was a good blog and most importantly very relevant to the times. the overall theme is that men basically are afraid to go all in for a woman. Just throw everything on the table and do whatever it takes for a girl "like they used to." we all have the image of the early and mid nineties man courting the woman blah blah blah which brings up my favorite quote of the article "maybe im nostalgic for a time that never was" because i bet men were assholes back in the day and had similar tendencies. (This is gunna turn kinda family guy-ish were the end has nothing to do with the beginning kind of) (like i said i dont think these through i just write)

But the culture now and at least what we "know" as then are undoubtedly different. And i do think that alot of men are grown differently, and not differently in a good way, differently in a bad way.

Where do i start........okay lets just start with the 4-point play ONE DAY YOU WILL HOPEFULLY MAKE A WOMAN YOUR LIFE PARTNER. YOU WILL HAVE SEX WITH THIS WOMAN. YOU WILL TELL THIS WOMAN MORE THAN YOU EVER TOLD ANYONE ELSE. YOU WILL LOVE THIS WOMAN MORE THAN ANY FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER EVER. and the only time you will ever love anything more than her IT WILL COME OUT OF HER VAGINA. okay that was five points but hey you get the point.

I dont believe in soul mates (i mean this in the way that you were destined to be with this person) because i dont believe in mystical BS but the vast public does and the soul mate concept is one mystical concept i hope theyd pick back up. There's some women you get along with more than others, try to find the one you do with most. People FAR to often down play and deny the importance of finding a compatible significant other. If you measure it pound for pound on a scale of quality of life what could hold more weight than a perfect significant other? I mean like a best-friend that you can have sex with. A best-friend you could have kids with. Not a degree. Not a hobby. NOT EVEN A FAMILY for you cant start one of your own. especially if you come from a broken one, its your chance to stop the cycle.
**side note**
I know people will be skeptical of the family one but look at it like this if you had to be trapped on a island with your family or a woman its an obvious least to me
**regularly scheduled program**

Senior year i had Mr. Tucker for sociology and that nigga told us he was with his wife for like 50+ years and he told us to guess ONE trait/quality that kept him and his wife together the whole time. We threw out EVERYTHING, love,trust,acceptance,forgiveness, you name it. There had to be 20-30 words on the board before we gave up and said BEST-FRIEND. I aint going that shit made a thug feel fuzzy inside. But he was truly winning. Not only was he married that long (the length means nothing) but even after that long as an old man he is so happy about his relationship HE BRAGS ABOUT IT TO HIS STUDENTS.

I think the idea of being "in your prime" is so bright that it blinds alot of guys. And in hindsight its one of the shortest periods of your life only lasts about four years or so (your a teenager for much longer, even more an adult, and then even more middle aged and even more an old man) and guess who's coming along for the ride for all but your teenage years.......So if you neglect the search for a life partner in return for a few short glory years here's the bad news. There are some smart niggas out there(Like Mr.Tucker), and there goodlooking, and they can cook, speak other languages and all the above and they going grab them up EARLY and you'll be left with......slim pickings.

Oh the ripe fruit will be gone and you'll be left to find the fallen apples that haven't gone rotten just yet. and more than likely you was the nigga

"fucking bitches"
"not looking for a relationship"
calling niggas "soft"
making fun of niggas body counts

But the day will come when one mans takes home the golden apple and YOU may be left with....slim pickings

One of my biggest fears is being 28+ and single.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Good Quotes

"the problem after war is with the victor. He thinks that he was just proven that war and violence pay. who will now teach him a lesson?" AJ Mustee

"the image of the enemy will grow proportionally to the size of the defense" Oliver Stone

Friday, November 1, 2013

Float On

About a month or so ago Renato put me on to an amazing fucking song. One of my favorite songs since i've heard it. Idk if any of you have ever heard the Modest Mouse song Float On but if you haven't consider listening to it right now. The song just has a bunch of lines that to me look like they have a deeper meaning. Let's take a look....

I backed my car into a cop car the other day
Well, he just drove off - sometimes life's okay

(Sometimes you get into situations where there looks like there's no way out and it feels like the world is over and then, poof just like that, its gone, no more problem no more reason to worry, you can let out a sigh of relief)
I ran my mouth off a bit too much, ah what did I say?
Well, you just laughed it off and it was all okay

(Nine times out of ten the reaction you fear of telling someone something isnt half as bad as the reality[Sometimes it's worse]. We get so preoccupied on assuming the worst possible outcome that we make ourselves go to extremes to avoid it. When in fact, they might just laugh it off)
And we'll all float on okay
And we'll all float on okay
And we'll all float on okay
And we'll all float on anyway, well

A fake Jamaican took every last dime with that scam
It was worth it just to learn some sleight of hand

(Even in a bad situation theres something you can learn from it. In this case he was scammed but at least he walked away saying "Ahh isee what you did there" and he's not going to fall for it next time.
Bad news comes, don't you worry even when it lands
Good news will work it way to all them plans

(Obvious here no need for explanation)
We both got fired on, exactly, the same day
Well, we'll float on, good news is on the way

(Whatever your going through someone else is going through the same exact thing. Their world hasn't come to an end and neither will yours. The rest of the song keeps re-enforcing the main theme Float On. Things dont tend to get progressively worse and worse especially if your willing to do something about it. Float on long enough and soon enough you'll be satisfied with where you end up. I get this image of a balloon that kids accidentally let go of. It may bump into a house, telephone pole, light pole whatever, the wind may blow it this way or that way it just floats on.)

And we'll all float on okay
And we'll all float on okay
And we'll all float on okay
And we'll all float on alright

Already we'll all float on
Now don't you worry we'll all float on alright
Already we'll all float on alright
Don't worry we'll all float on

Alright, Already
And we'll all float on alright
Already we'll all float on alright
Don't worry even if things end up a bit
Too heavy we'll all float on alright

Already, we'll all float on alright
Already, we'll all float on okay
Don't worry, even if things get heavy
We'll all float on alright

Already, we'll all float on
Now don't you worry, we'll all float on
We'll all float on

*End of Song*

I've never considered a tattoo but if i were to get one if would be Float On. Maybe with a kid looking up at a balloon or something along those lines. Anyway listen to the song, and more than once cause i found the guys voice a little weird when i first heard it but if you hear it two or three times it sounds alot better.
I've been meaning to write about this song for a while.

Link to song:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


      I've boiled it down to two things that determine value. (excluding sentimental value here because im speaking in more in the realm of commerce) Scarcity and Usefulness/necessity. Scarcity gauges the amount of supply, and Usefulness/Necessity SHOULD gauge demand. Before you think this is a basic economics 101 on a supply and demand let me make it clear that it's not. I'm here to speak of when SCARCITY ALONE creates it's own demand. 
     Just the fact that something is rare it becomes desirable. It's so universal in humans, we can say its part of our nature to want what few can obtain. I think it is. And like most things in our nature there are usually Darwinian(Charles Darwin, discoverer of evolution) reasons to explain why we act in such ways. 

    Let me jump into an example that makes what im going to attempt to say a bit clearer. I went to the museum of natural history at Harvard and saw an exhibit on guppies (these colorful fish) that live in a river. The male guppy fish are colorful for Darwinian reasons. The more colorful you are, the more likely you are to attract a mate. BUT the more likely you are to attract predators as well. Quiet the dilemma? They observed that upstream, where there are less predators, the male guppies were more colorful and downstream they where less colorful to better match their surroundings, to accommodate for the lurking predators . 

    The point there is that the female guppy determines the color of the male population. The female places a favoritism on colorful male fish (theres some reason i just not sure but i think it said because they deemed the colorful fish more fertile). The more impressive, exclusive or unique the color/color pattern of the male the more likely he is to pass on his genes(the end goal of all living things). The male goes to such great extents that it even puts itself in greater danger to impress the female guppy.

   This is observed all over the animal kingdom, especially in mammals and reptiles. Men will bring offerings, do dances, sing songs, acts of aggression towards other males, being a bit bigger or stronger,(previous two probably the most major), showcase extravagant feathers, any many other calls to basically all say the same thing, in the words of Rick Ross "Fuck with me you know i got it" .

    Tough thing to admit women, but even just looking around you and throughout history (and the animal kingdom), men have more of the "I want this nothing will get in my way mentality" because we've gone through millions of years of this being conditioned into our genes, it was necessary so men could ensure their genes were passed on.
Let's take the story of "The Great Gatsby" for example. Could you flip the script and put a woman in his shoes? Dedicating her life to amassing a great fortune, becoming a powerful woman through illegal means, to move across the the lake and throw parties in hopes that the now married man of her past would come and she could woo him with his new found power and money to leave his wife and spend their life together? It's hard for me to see that blind, arrogant dedication possessing a woman(OF COURSE THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS). The same way a male guppy fish (if it had the mind of a human) would see a female guppy fish if it become colorful and put itself in harms way to impress a male.
   (I basically used all of the paragraphs above to explain where i think our innate value on scarcity derives)
*Here's what I'm actually here to say* 
     Woman have installed a strive in men to be better than the other guy through means of obtaining a hard to obtain, scarce advantage. Ultimately leaving us today, living in society, with a inclination to place value on scarce things often with little usefulness or necessity, kind of like the colors on the fish (see how i tied that in there? pretty good aye?). From Jordan's and Gucci Belts to Diamonds and Gold(the useless commodity that somehow is the standard to our monetary system) we've place value on things based on their scarcity instead of their usefulness. But that is minuscule to the effects scarcity has had on our society due to the fact that it is relative by definition.
    Because of this we are sure to always have more have not's than haves.
*Example* (clause to the example, you cannot split the cookie)
In room 1 you have ten kids and eleven cookies.
In room 2 you have ten kids and twenty one cookies.

In both rooms there are 9 have not's and 1 have. In room 1 if you have two cookies your a have. In room 2 if you have two cookies your a have not. that proof kind of carries around the world. Who's more satisfied, the richest poor man among the poor, or the poorest rich man among the rich? The richest poor man among 
the poor. This primal instinct is so blinding that it can make someone with less than necessary feels like he has it all and someone with more than necessary feel like he has nothing.

How do we overcome this primal instinct? Easy, asses how much is necessary and be satisfied with that amount. This is harder than it seems obviously since almost none of us operate this way (me included, i fall victim to it as well.) The best tool out of it you ask? PERSPECTIVE. Seeing people with much less(especially) and people with more will probably give you a good pin point on where necessary lies on the spectrum.

I try not to buy things that are expensive for reasons outside of their usefulness. If i do buy a 90$ sweater, it's cause i think its worth 90$. But i damn sure wont buy a 300$ belt, or jewelry(ive never bought myself jewelry but have for women in the past girlfriends of course i aint out here trickin on these hoes), never intrigued me in the slightest. i would only buy a wedding ring and thats cause woman are so damn superficial about that type of shit. If i could find me a wife that didnt want no dumbass expensive ring than SHITTTTTTTT till death do us part. Basically I dont like when SCARCITY ALONE makes people want things. I think its a primal instinct and like many of our primal instincts not really beneficial to life in civilization. lol and i basically blame women because Rick Ross wouldnt have theses scarce things (diamonds, gold, cars etc etc) and be screaming fuck with me you know i got it if it wasnt working. Very well at that.  

I ask one thing of this post. Separate my origins of scarcity, from the effects of it. I assume most people might disagree on my origin and i cant blame you im no evolutionary biologist, Im just speculating thats where it derives. Well good day sirs.   

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lego Or Block? Love+Hate>Like

Couldn't decide on a title so I used them both. This yet again will be another analogy as countless of my other blogs are and it's going to be about being polarized vs being neutralized. I talked to Baudelaire earlier today and he said he reads some of my stuff and gets mad like "Fuck why didnt i think of that first" (Kanye said it in an interview about some beats/songs/designs he comes across) I often find myself feeling the same way. Sorry to say Baudelaire this might be another one.
Blocks- We all like blocks, simple, plain, you can build basic structures. But the structures are not sound for their is nothing to hold them together, no adhesive, no nail in the wood. The only thing that keeps the structures together is the weight of each block on top of the other.
Lego's- Love lego's, they come in all shapes and sizes, long ones with one strip of studs, square ones with rows and columns, rectangles you name it. But most importantly the STUDS. That's what makes a lego a lego, take away the studs and its just a block. But we LOVE these studs, they allow us to make extravagant complex structures. Each stud fits snug in a whole so these structures are solid. You can hold a lego structure by one end and the rest will rise with it, you can walk around and show it to everybody. But we HATE these studs. Anybody that's had a stray block on the middle of the ground knows the pain these studs can bring you.......
*End of precursor*

Are you a lego or are you a block? Would you rather be loved and hated or liked by all? If you rather be loved and hated your a lego. If you rather be liked by all your a block. Truth is many people are just blocks. But whats interesting is we all start off as lego's. (This next few sentences are inspired, some so closely you can say quoted, by philosopher Alan Watts) Children are spontaneous and honest. When spontaneous or honest in our favor they are absolutely delightful (example: randomly saying love you, or dancing or singing) When spontaneous or honest against our favor it is wretched (I do not mean Ratched lol). (example: we've all heard a kid be brutally honest and not know it, or randomly knocking something over) So to ensure that they are never wretched we kill the honesty and spontaneity in them to ensure that they are "nice". Parents try to sand down the studs and turn lego's into blocks. Most people become blocks yet others cant help but be themselves and remain lego's.

I would like to think that I am a lego. Everyone should be a lego. Its better to be loved by few and hated by many than to be liked by all. It's a part of life, your going to step on lego's, but to throw away the lego's and rid your life of the beautiful structures you can build just to ensure you never step on one again is mad.

Greatest Compliment You Can Give Me

The best compliment you can give ever and i mean EVER is "I dont want to but I do agree with you" something along those lines. Im pretty good with analogies so let me give you one so you understand why that compliment means more to me.

Imagine this is a river

I'm swimming upstream to deliver this message
Put a message in a bottle throw it in the river and it will deliver itself downstream

It's easy to preach to the quire (If you know me there is a pun here) but it's really hard to change people's prior convictions. Your swimming upstream, they are looking for any hole in your argument to debunk it. People are prideful and do not like admitting they are wrong and changing their mind (something i have no problem doing) So if you tell me that you dont want to agree with me but you do I take it as a huge compliment. It means my argument has a solid base and my logic is sound.

This being said a quick S/O to a couple people that let me know they like my blog
Vitaly (he was drunk af probably doesn't remember)
My nigga Wii
And others i cant think of at the moment 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Short And Simple

I purposely keep my blog post short and simple for a couple reasons.

1)i want every one that reads it to get the point
2)people dont want to read some long ass detailed shit
3)I want questions
4)I prefer writing this way
5)i feel as though i get my point across just the same

False Humility

Okay, I know I said I wasnt going to make this an atheist blog but i got inspired for this one. This one is because im tired of false humility that religious people get for thanking god, it's one of the very few things that anger me. There are people that have known me my whole life and never seen me angry but this topic really gets me. I'm scrolling on my instagram tonight and all i see are a bunch of post thanking God for this and that and i got fed up. I have a good analogy that will put my anger into perspective and hopefully change yours.

We've all heard the story of Cinderella, a nice girl that gets treated like shit by her mother while her sisters get the best possible treatment for no good reason. They and the mom have a great relationship. The mom gives them what they want and they are very grateful. Yet, when we read the story we hate the sisters. We see them as arrogant, self-centered, and selfish. Because in the context of the story it is easy to see the neglect of poor Cinderella. We get the whole picture in one frame (book).

Well in our lives it's easy (yet inexcusable) to loose sight of the whole picture. If your thanking "God" for your fortune, your disregardful of others misfortune. Your being just like one of the sister that we all hate in Cinderella. Ask yourself, are you the type of person that would look at the mom and say " wait Mom (God), this isnt fair to Cinderella" or be a normal sister and say "Thank you" and prance away. So when i see people thank "God" on instagram I view them as one of the arrogant, self-centered, and selfish.

Some atheist guy (Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens not sure atm) that i listen to said that when he listens to religious people claims of humility he hears arrogance masquerading in sheep's clothing and that's exactly how i feel here.

Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being grateful, but your animosity to the lack of equality and distribution of luck should out weigh your gratefulness.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Double Standard

Okay one thing i have to admit about this article, i will enjoy the backlash i will receive from women for my thoughts on this and im kind of looking forward to it. NOW that being said that does not mean im doing this for shock value i do believe and mean everything i write.

Now there is indeed a double standard between men and women in society whether you accept it or not. now here's where it women are going to get mad. I kind of agree with some of society's views. Lets touch a few topics

1) Cheating........verdict is.......i side with society...women cheating is less acceptable
okay okay okay's why. 
1a) Fact that men have a higher sex drive then women. This is a scientific way of saying, we just think stupid when were horny. we have less control and restraint. so you know...if your nigga cheat....let it ride *no pun intended*

1b)Women get hit on ALL DAY EVERYDAY you guys are used to saying no. A decent looking girl gets hit on more than a guy girls would say is very attractive. you guys have built up stronger immunities to the thirst thought the years. We dont have that immune system, ours is weak and more susceptible to a girl throwing it at us. Now if your nigga out here chasing hoes then.............*emoji eyes*

1c)Women play a more submissive role is sex. yall get fucked, we fuck. No guy wants another nigga playing the dominant role fucking his girl thats just wrong. NOW from a womens perspective, your nigga is just fucking another bitch, using her like a doormat. If he boo loving this other girl then........*emoji eyes*

*side note*
I'm not a cheater just a male apologist for men worldwide

2)Bodies........verdicts in.......siding with society again

2a)Through out the animal kingdom males chase the opposite sex doing all types of shit to impress them, dances, songs, offerings, hisses, fighting amongst other men and all other displays of interest and the women and the women filter out the worthy and shoo of the rest. If you out here just letting any nigga hit then damn....make a nigga earn it #Darwinianreasoningtoexplainwhores

2b)A womens body is sacred in some weird way, especially when preserved, a mans aint. I have absolutely no explanation why for this reason not gunna lie


3a) yall got to act a certain way, yall cant be as vulgar as men (probably why yall arnt as funny) yall gotta be classy.

3b)yall gotta look nice. niggas aint out here slanging dick at no basic broads, well....they are...nvm

lol im loosing interest the further i come along in this so ima sum it up. Women, dont be mad, we just place a higher standard on yall because we expect better from yall. yall should be happy. would you rather a lower expectation? that means your a hoe on the inside but hide it because of society lol so embrace it, yall are better then us in these aspects of life........SMH just like women to be unappreciative SMH

lol okay that last line was just to piss yall off al little.


Crabs In A Bucket

Niggas keep other niggas down. Every white person has been dying to say it and its muthafucking true and everyone knows it but nobody says it. People rather live on with this mystical figure of "the man" (I imagine a stern heft white man balding in the middle of his head) keeping niggas down when NOPE niggas do it themselves. I wouldnt doubt it at all that people in the past conspired in the past to keep blacks down (out of nice neighborhoods, schools or programs etc) but if anyone where doing it today they'd be wasting their time and energy. Niggas have created a self sustaining cycle of keeping themselves down, its called CULTURE. Almost everything and anything that is related to black/african american culture is bad and if there is/was any good it is either overlooked or forgotten. (btw i credit rap music for 50% of this)

Let me just list a few things that you could be called "gay" for as a 12-18 year old black kid

2)good grades
3)speaking well
4)interest in art
5)interest in anything outside of your immediate environment (animals,nature, math you name it)
6)helping someone you don't know
7)doing somebody a favor for no gain
8)telling on someone who did a bad thing
9)saying no to a bad idea
10)respecting your parents authority
11)being nice. Just fucking being nice, whens the last time you heard a kid from the hood tell another kid, wow that was nice vs. "your gay"
12)having alot of friends
13)listening to other types of music
14)saving money
15)really liking a girl
16)seeing drug dealing as a bad thing

I mean jesus fucking crist the list goes on and on some of the most ridiculous things are frowned upon by black culture and if you think some of the things on this list are a force you really arnt exposed enough to it.

Look at that it may really hit you when i flip it and you see what your looked up for in black culture.

1)nonintellectual (nobodys, even niggas, wanna be proud of being dumb)
2)bad grades (and i know this cause i had bad grades)
3)speaking in slang
4)calling anything artsy gay
5)only concerned with things going on in your environment (fights, ball games etc)
6)only helping "my fam and mah niggas"
7)everything's a hustle nothings done without reparation
8)not snitching 
9)"down for whatever"
10)not listening to your parents
11)being rude 
12)small circles. often given a name
13)listening to only rap. (which is a harmful cycle all on its own)
14)BMF (blowing money fast)
15)getting alot of hoes
16)seeing drug dealing as a good thing. Glorifying it at that.

These are no the sixteen most detrimental things i just write as i go and hope you get the message. but still take that list as an example and honestly try and tell your self its not true. This does not mean everybody of course it may not even be a majority (though i think it is). but that is black culture and we got to face it. Even as a kid when i used to live in boston i kind of seen over it. i probably couldnt have put my finger on it or explained it eloquently but still i would think something along the lines of "wtf these motherfuckers are stupid, they got it all backwards"   

I really didnt want to accept it at first, i always said it was economic/social factors but nope. Asian/Indian/African and other minorities come to America and usually by the first generation get out of poverty. Why is it these minorities in the same economic situations, often living side by side (EVEN HARDER FOR THEM BECAUSE THEY DONT SPEAK ENGLISH) prosper? the answer is the culture. they value the good and shun the bad. The only reason i think African/Caribbean first Gens dont do as well is that their children,because of their physical appearance, easily identify/accepted into African american culture.

So yea back to my point, niggas are like crabs in a bucket and they have created a whirlpool of bad values. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013



Nigga aint ever late
but never on time
Niggas always get arrested
but never commit a crime
Niggas always got reasons
never excuses
Niggas always got dreams
but never do shit
Niggas say they will
but never do
Niggas make claims
but most untrue
Niggas say they the best
but never prove
Niggas in last place
but never lose
Niggas sound stupid
Saying ignorant remarks
Niggas fight amongst themselves
Lights vs Darks
Niggas are ignorant
And Ignorance is blind
Ignorance doesn't live in pigment
It lives in the mind

Great White Music

Making this list to expand the musical catalog of some of you ignorant niggas
* = Really Like 
** = So Good I Want To Be White
*** = Reserved For Bon Jovi Dead Or Alive And Good Charlotte The Anthem Cause It Not Only Makes Me Want To Be White So Bad, I Dont Even Want Niggas Around

The Scientist*
Viva La Vida
John Mayer-Say*
Stop This Train*
In Your Atmosphere
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
Who Says
Free Fallin*
Waiting On the World*
Dreaming With A Broken Heart
The Fray-Cable Car**
Never Say Never
How To Save A Life
You Found Me
Dave Matthews Band-Sister
Crash Into Me
Where Are You Going
Grace Is Gone
Semisonic-Closing Time
LifeHouse-You And Me
Train-Hey Soul Sister
The Script-Breakeven
Bon Jovi- Wanted Dead Or Alive***
The Eagles- Hotel California**
Modest Mouse- Float On
Andy Grammer- Keep Your Head Up
The Lumineers- Hey Ho
Ed Sheeran- The A-Team*
The Verve- Bitter Sweet Symphony*
Maroon 5-She Will Be Loved*
Sunday Morning
This Love
MGMT- Electric Feel
The Gorilaz-Clint Eastwood
Feel Good Inc.*
The Beatles- Here Comes The Sun*
Billy Joel-Piano Man
We Didn't Start The Fire
Kings Of Leon- Use Somebody
U2- Beautiful Day
Good Charlotte- The Anthem*** 
Guns N' Roses- Paradise City
The Killers- When You Where Young
Oasis- Wonderwall

Not even close to done ill contiually add to this

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cut The Canopy

Not extremely political but i do believe in government regulation when it comes to business/commerce.
In a rain forest there is a "canopy" it's the top layer of the rain forest where all the tree's strive to be, fighting for their spot to catch the rays of sunlight. Competition is so fierce that there are no such things as "little trees" in the rain forest. You are either a big tree or you will not get enough light to live. The ground floor of a rain forest is made up of vines and shrubs and whatever else can survive off the little sunlight it can catch through the cracks of the leaves that make it to the ground.
*And We Back*
That's how i feel about the state of business nowadays, once your on top it's easy to stay on top and when your on bottom you grab what ever falls through the cracks, whatever they let you have. I know what you Republicans are saying "Socialist!" "thats not capitalism yada yada yada" and all that BS but the end goal of capitalism is for competition to ignite innovation and fair pricing (if you charge too much ill go to the next guy, unless of course you have a monopoly which we saw is inevitable without government regulation JUST SAYING) but when its the way it is now and it's easiest at the top people kick their feet up and relax, there is no innovation when patents are bought out and put in the freezer. Or when the little guy has the better product but doesnt have the voice or outlet to get it out there. You achieve the exact opposite. Thats why i think government should be there no to cut the tree by the bark but trim some branches and let light shimmer down to the ground floor. That would really keep the people at the top on their toes and give hope/inspire the people on the bottom that there actually is a chance to make it to the canopy.

I hate to quote a dead gangsta rapper that never quiet made it but Stacks Bundles once said in a freestyle "A bunch of opportunist that where given opportunity, to make a difference...but when got the chance didnt give no opportunity"

Even worse these "Bailouts" basically said "Hey tree's that are making terrible decisions, instead of letting you fail and others rise and take your place, we the government, are going to nurse you back to health so you can continue sucking at the top." well yea....thats all i have to say.

*link to the stack bundles freestyle in case your interested*


lol you gotta listen to stack bundles or else I look like an idiot

How Little My Grandma Knows

I was kind of blown away today by the extent of my grandma's knowledge. This is by no means ridiculing her but rather pointing out such visible contrast. My grandmother got a box of ensure's and she wanted me to take them out the box and put them away for her, so i did. But he wanted to know how much came in the box. The box had two layers so i counted up and counted six and across and got four and multiplied by two to get get 48. so i turn to her and in creole said,"querente-oithu" (creole isnt an official language and has no alphabet/language so just read that phonetically.) Now, my grandma thinks im being lazy and dont want to count so she tells me again to count them as i put them away. That's when it dawned on me that my Grandma has not the slightest clue about the concept of multiplication.

She takes out the ensures and counts them one by one and counts them and sure enough gets to 48 and gives me a look of disbelief as though i am 1) Magical or 2) Extremely lucky. All for doing basic math a second or third grader could do. But she was born in cape verde a very long time ago, she never went to school (though does know how to read a little) and she moved here around the age 60 something. She didnt have a chance to learn no damn multiplication. People in my fathers time barely went to school, never mind my grandmothers. Another time i realize the short extent of her knowing I was watching a washing ton redskins game and she saw the stadium packed and she thought most of America was at the game. Never mind just a fraction of a district not even big enough to be a state lol.

Anyway it was just something that struck me earlier today.I place high value on intelligence when it comes to a person but at the end of a day its just a plus. I think the means of evaluating someone should be based on a scale where everyone has equal opportunity to reach it's summits. Since mental capacities vary from person to person and as you see here, often situational I wouldn't make intelligence the golden standard of evaluating someone, but it is a plus. Since everyone has an equal capacity of treating others well and being nice to people i think it serves better as a universal standard. "I'll take a nice idiot over a smart asshole anyday of the week" -Jim Jerferies (comedian) So my Grandma's still the shit, cause she's a nice lady....that has a mean face lol    

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I'm A Pretty Shallow Guy

I said i was going to try and keep my blog impersonal butttt fuck it. The other day i was thinking and I came to the conclusion that I'm pretty shallow lol. Why? Well simple I thought "damn ive never liked a girl that I wasnt attracted to"

Ive never even found an ugly girl intriguing in the slightest. I gotta work on that........


I dont think regret is bad at all, regret is good actually, it means your reflecting. and some old greek nigga long long ago once said "a life unexamined is not worth living." Fear of regret is what's bad, and that's what hinders you from doing.


“In philosophy, or religion, or ethics, or politics, two and two might make five, but when one was designing a gun or an aeroplane they had to make four.” 
― George Orwell, 1984

WOW love this quote. So much im dedicating a blog to it. Where do i start......OBJECTIVITY.

Well truth be told there are very few things that are objective in this world, and all of them fall under the realm of science. Science being honest observations about the world around us. Basically, remove all forms of life from the universe and what you got left is OBJECTIVE. (not in relation to,relative,biased, exists independently of all things) Everything in this world is 2+2=4 no exceptions. 

Now throw humans into the equation and KABLOOOM explodes a world of subjectivity. Politics, religion, good vs evil, comedy, what's sophisticated vs barbaric,music, any ideology, i mean basically anything you can name(and everything that doesnt exist independent of human existance)  falls into this category. And it's the root of all human problems (at least i think so) everybody thinks that their "4" is the right "4" and your 2+2=5. That's where we run into problems, trying to assert objectivity into a subjectivity. 

The closest we can come to objectivity in the world of subjectivity is consensus. Somehow, someway every single society or culture has come to the agreement that murder, killing someone for your own personal personal gain or no reason at all, is bad. Or Beethoven's 5th symphony is playing and someone presses the wrong key, even if it where an indigenous aborigine listening to this for the first time he would recognize that the wrong key was pressed, or be able to tell the difference between a child smashing his hands against a piano vs an expert. we can all agree that the expert piano player is better than the child, even if there is one weird nigga out there who likes hearing random banging of keys. You can see that in a weird way we kind of can find objectivity even in some thing as subjective as music. And we can all agree music is subjective. there stuff i listen to people consider noise and nonsense but i really enjoy.

Just like we all came to the conclusion that murder is wrong and the expert is better than the child we can draw closer to better solutions on other topics. We dont always need objective clear cut answers to weed away foolishness. Like for example someone who will argue murder isnt bad, or the child is better than the expert, Tyranny is better than democracy, slavery is better than freedom, the list goes on. Take this for example. Let's apply some logic.

*x and y are positive* *statement 1 is true* *statement 2 and 3 are false*

Statement 1: x+y=Z
Statement 2 2x+2y=Z
Statement 3: 3x+3y=Z

Knowing statement 1 is true we can objectively say (even without knowing any of the variables) that Statement 2, although being false is closer to the answer than Statement 3. Look at that, without knowing where the answer is rooted!!! It's weird to think, it's almost like saying even though you dont know where the treasures buried we know that position B is closer than position C. We can continue to use this logic to get closer even though we may never find it (as in the example above there is no numerical value for X,Y,or Z)

So keep this in mind and scroll back up and read the quote again and think about it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

List Of Odd And Obscure Things Required To Be My Girlfriend

1) Be a civilized human being and pour your cereal first and than your milk.
2) Show me your not a psychopath, sleep with your socks off please
3) Be attentive, dont walk away from the microwave as it approaches zero, be there to press "stop/reset"
4) Do not ever, absolutely ever, use Internet Explorer. It's not 1999
5) Apparently, there are some weird people on this planet that stand up to wipe their ass. If you are one of those you are AUTOMATICALLY disqualified. That's fucking weird (ask around more people do than you think) this shouldn't be much a problem for me because i tend to talk to beautiful women and beautiful women dont take shits....
6) Scratch a nigga head, JESUS CHRIST it feels so good
7) Im a tad lenient with arm hair, but unshaven legs will not be tolerated. Not even prickly ones! make a nigga feel like he's cuddling with a cheese grater
8) This is an obvious one but i expect you to have an iphone and text me strictly with BLUE BUBBLES
9) Curly hair whenever possible
10) I need to track your period on my iphone as well, i got the app.
11) Brush your teeth is circles, not straight lines.
12) CHICKEN ramen noodles okay, none of that beef or shrimp shit is flying around here

I will be continually adding to this list so stay posted

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Highly Improbable Things With a Satisfaction Guarantee

So i was on instagram and someone posted a picture of a rock papers scissors tournament. First thing i thought was "damn you gotta be really lucky to win one of those its hard to even just beat one person.
 (50/50 chance actually, either you tie,which means you go again, they throw something that beats you or you throw something that beats them, so negate the tie and you see why its 50/50 FOR THIS WHOLE POST WE ARE IGNORING THE VARIABLE OF READING PEOPLE OR KNOWING THEIR PATTERNS OF PLAYING).
*back on track*
Then (because i often like to take things to the extreme)(if your trying to make a point or show a difference exaggerate or stretch that point or difference to make it clear, its a good tactic i like to use)
I thought, what if there was a tournament of billions of players in Rock,Paper,Scissors (negate the fact that some people say the games not all luck as i stated earlier) somebody has to win. That would mean that literally if this were to happen somebody would have to win, thousands (maybe millions i didnt do the math) of games in a row. If the tournament were single elimination someone has to emerge victorious with a flawless record. This sounds extremely improbable and maybe even impossible to happen but it is actually GUARANTEED! Statistically if you do this tournament there is a 100% chance that someone wins thousands if not millions of games in a row. Which is crazy my nigga, imagine being that person that wins a million Rock,Paper,Scissors games in a row........Imagine being the guy that wins 999,999,999 and loses the last one...cause that's guaranteed to happen too (think about it)

I know its true but my mind really wont accept it until i see it so.......lets get a couple billion people and play.

If you dont like Rock,Paper,Scissors as an example substitute Dice. Imagine it were a single elimination tournament of dice and you had to roll a higher number than your competitor. Someone will roll higher than his competitor EVERY SINGLE TIME. (Ignore the fact that some people say they can roll dice a certain way to land a certain way)

Highly Improbable Things With a Satisfaction Guarantee, weird to think but true nonetheless. Some things can be likely but never happen, while on the other hand others can be extremely improbable but guaranteed. Strange world we live in.

*SIDE NOTE* Lorde- Royals is a fire fucking song idc fuck what ju heard.    

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"Lack of'" VS "Opposites"

Just hit me that somethings have an "opposite" and some things are just "lack ofs." PEEP. Light and Heat dont have opposites. Charge and force do. There is no amount of darkness you can "add" to light to negate it  to zero,as there is no amount of cold you can add to heat to negate it to zero. Because theres no "negative" light and no "negative" heat. Let me explain the other two and maybe it will become a little clearer. An atom with equal protons and neutrons has a charge of ZERO because there charges are equal but OPPOSITE. now lets say force for example, the earth is pulling you towards the center with a force of lets call it 10 "units" the ground is pushing you up with and equal but OPPOSITE (in direction) 10 "units" of force, so it negates and we stand still.

This is how my mind see's it

"Lack there of's"

(No heat or light)0---------------------------------------------------------->10(Heat or light)


(negative charge)-10<--------------------------0-------------------------->10(positive charge)

Think of it this way, say a room A is kind of bright and room B is really bright, is there an opposite brightness for each room?
Or say room A is 72 degrees and room B is 100 degrees is there an opposite temperature for each room?
No. They dont exist in "opposite" land, they exist in "lack of" land.

If a train is moving there is a force you can "add" in the opposite direction to negate it and make it stop
If an atom has a +1 charge you an "add" an electron to negate it back to a neutral charge

 It's just a natural speech pattern (and wrongfully so) to refer to cold as the opposite of hot and dark as the opposite of light when there not, there "lack there ofs"

I would be very interested to see what else goes in what category "lack there ofs" or "opposites"
please share if any come to mind.

Short Thought

Alot of people probably feel the same way about things that you do, but they'll never know unless you say something. It's such a good feeling when you just float an idea out there and some one feels the exact same way.
*side note*
I would appreciate all and any comments. Even if your idea's dumb as rocks i can strike it to sharpen my sword

Silent Acknowledgement of Mutual Atrraction

Saw a meme about this today. Happens to me all the time *runs hand through hair like 80's rockstar* You see a girl and you look at her and your like "damn she's cute"
Ladies theres a difference when a guy says "she's cute" and a girl says "he's cute" a guys means she probably has a pretty face and maybe not much of a body. when a girl says it means, he's attractive but i wouldn't fuck him. Trust me, happens to Vijay all the time (lmaooo) #shortniggaproblems
Anyway you give her the look and sometimes you dont even need the smile back (too obvious of a sign so im excluding it), if she 1) double takes or 2)looks at you long enough that one has to look away, thats what I call silent acknowledgement of mutual attraction. cause i dont stare at ugly bitches unless they really ugly. so if i was looking at you and you arnt obviously attractive then yo....... anyway #saoma just makes your day that much better sometimes. but fellers out there #saoma doesnt mean you guaranteed to be in there, you may still get denied, especially with "looks at you long enough that someone has to look away" that could mean nothing at all but the double take or smile you IN THERE......maybe. Girls are weird creatures they could think a guy they dont know is attractive and still not want to talk to him #mindfuck makes no sense to me either. Anyhow Silent Acknowledgement of Mutual Attraction......I know you know you know i know. we know each other know but i aint saying shit though cause im probably sober lol but if im drunk tho......    

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Asymptotes of Knowledge

FUCK!!!!! I wrote this huge long post probably a little longer than the last one but interesting the whole way through but fuck it im re-writing it.

To start it off let's cover an asymptote. You remember in Algebra 2 when you did asymptotes? It was that invisible line (though some calculators made it visible) that the function would approach but never touch. It could get infinitely close but there was never a computed value and that point. Lets take for example  (x+3)(x+4)/(x-7)(x-5) The numbers 5.0 and 7.0 would cause the function to blow up because it would require to divide by zero, in which there in no computation. it work perfectly fine at 4.999(infinite)99999 and 5.000(infinite)0001 but not 5.0 same goes for 6.999(infinite)999 and 7.000(infinite)001 but not 7.0 Those were asymptotes.There are two questions I think may lie on an asymptote

The two most bizarre questions in the world have to be 1) Why/How anything at all instead of nothing 2)Why/How are we aware that there is something. Basically the jump from "nothing" to "something" and the jump from "matter" to "mind" Both jumps are FUCKING WEIRD. i think no matter what angle we approach it from whether it math philosophy science logic or reasoning i dont think we'll ever trap an answer. its frustrating to accept that but i do get some weird solace in always wondering about it.

Question 1)
Why/How something instead of something? Its weird to think but there is no reason to why there's something instead of nothing. And i mean NOTHING. not the nothing your thinking of which i a vacuum probably, I mean NOTHING. Imagine a 3x3x3inch cube with a vacuum inside, inside that cube is not "nothing" theres still space, that emptiness still occupies a volume and is in the same frame of time as us. The best way i can describe nothing is how Laurence Krauss (famous physicist youtube him and his lecture "something from nothing" interesting stuff. what we consider nothing really isnt nothing) put it. Imagine all the contents of the universe (space,matter,energy, Everything) in a suitcase, "nothing" is whats outside the suitcase.(time will not exist outside the suitcase because space and time are two sides of the same coin hence the word "spacetime" if it helps, time is the fourth dimension, it cant exist without the three dimensions before it we call "space"(length,width,depth) so if there's no space there's no time. I'm not making this shit up lmao) But stuff exists, we know there is "something" now so at some point it must have jumped out of nothing, just POOF popped into existence. its a weird concept to wrap your head around "why is there even anything at all"
(some people just say, God. well then who created the creator, and who created the creators, creator. you get caught in an infinite regress and get no where. and if you say Gods eternal than at what point of eternity did he create the universe? at the beginning of eternity? no such thing. halfway through eternity? no such thing. (think about it) Infinity/eternity are weird concepts and to the best of my knowledge dont exist in nature but dont take my word for it im not completely sure.)
*back on track*
I dont think we really ever will understand that i think its an asymptote in our capacity of understanding. Really think about it, there could have just been NOTHING.

On to question two. Well we know there's something, and that itself is as mind boggling as the fact that there is something. The most human/unique thing about humans is that we can think abstract thoughts (math, ideologies, sarcasm (just a small list of things)) and even question our own existence. We have a brain that gives birth to our mind/consciousness/ego what ever you want to call it.As if it wasnt odd enough that we went from "nothing" to "matter" now from "matter" we suddenly have a "mind." if you dont think thats weird you havent though about it enough. Imagine you were just standing and then suddenly your atoms just spread all over the floor, you would "die" right? now if you could re-arrange those atoms in the exact same order would you come back? would you know you were gone? what would have that gap been like? A bunch of atoms that normally just follow the laws of physics suddenly give rise to an independent mind that acts on its own accord. you can predict exactly where the moons gunna be and when, you can predict when the suns gunna fizzle out but you dont know when billys gunna move his arm. or how fast or in what direction. Consciousness is a weird phenomena. Just how people are quick to say "god" when elapsing the jump from nothing to something people are quick to say we have a soul/spirit to elapse the jump from matter to mind. You should never just accept an answer because its satisfying. Id rather accept that it just may be an asymptote in our knowledge. Just because you may never get the answer doesnt mean you cant infinitely moving closer. and whats a life without wonder?

*pulls hair out* I hate this post and it will probably be my least satisfying post ever!! the first one was WAAAAAAY better, it wrote it off the top of my head it was fluent funnier more thought provoking just better in every way i dont even like this one but ima post it anyway. ill DEFINITELY revisit this subject on a later day when inspiration strikes and it feels natural.never know people may have like this one more but I def dont


Okay a big thing I've been asked about on occasion and often hinted at around me (people rarely directly ask cause they feel its a touchy subject, not at all, though if your a beliver beware im not afraid to offend) is my "atheism." So here you go, Im gunna try and get it in a nutshell so i can write about it as little as possible. I don't believe non-reasonable claims on insignificant or no evidence. THATS IT. taaadaahhhhhhh lol. Then comes the magic word people who lack evidence love to use "Faith." Faith is a reason to believe something when there's no reason that you should. THAT'S NOT A VIRTUE. Let's stop putting faith on the shelf with "honest" "honorable" "charitable" and words like that because THOSE ARE VIRTUES. When people hear the phrase "He's a man of Faith" (only phrase i hate more than that "God fearing man" WTF does that even mean and why is that a good thing?!!?.....anyway) yea when i hear that phrase I hear "He's a man that believes shit when there's no reason at all to believe it" lol that's what i hear sorry. Dont get me wrong faiths not always bad, theres actually some evidence that show that say you have kemo-therapy or something, a person whom has given up hope and thinks he's dying is actually more likely to die (your optimism can actually lead to positive internal physical/biological effects). In a situation like that between a rock and a hard place if faith's all you got then sure i have no problem with that, i even would call faith a virtue in a situation like that because your refusing to give up hope. But "Faith" in a belief system that makes claims about the natural or the super natural, NO SIR. Red flag number 1) ARBITRARY. If it's on blind faith then why this one ever that one? why Jesus over Mohamed? or Mohamed over Jesus? Why not Thor? Zeus? Apollo? What if you were born here or there instead? EVEN WORSE what if you were born before many on these religions existed???? That's right these things didnt always exist. Judaism came about 4000 years ago Christianity 2000 years ago and Islam 1500 years ago. almost makes them made? lmao anyways i could go on for days in flawed logic for belief but thats not that fun anymore. At first it was for the blaspheme(not gunna lie still fun at times) and personal dis-belief that people actually believe stupid shit (sometimes makes you wanna shake the shit outta them and scream "YOU FUCKING IDIOT DONT YOU SEE!!") But that wears off once you notice that people dont really like changing their stances on things because they dont want to look at where they once were and say "wow i was completely fucking wrong, how stupid of me" that of which i have no problem doing. One of my friends once told me somebody said that he was a bad arguer because he admits when he's wrong. ABSOLUTELY RETARDED. If your not willing to admit your wrong or change you position if a better argument overcomes yours there is no further reason to argue. your just arguing with a fool and Jay-z plainly states "A wise man once told me dont argue with fools, because people from far away cant tell who's who." *side tracked* so what im saying im willing to believe anything, if jesus descended from the sky tomorrow i would look up and say "damn.....guess i was wrong" (and have a series of questions for him.) Im done with laying the foundation to why i dont believe in any religion or Gods. It should be clear to you by now why. if you have any objections or "evidence" please....feel free
"WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN THEN?!?!" thats always the next question -_- okay first lets establish one thing ATHEISM IS NOT THE BELIEF THAT THEIR IS NO GOD. i know i know i know some dictionaries will say it is but there WRONG. 1) Atheism is not a belief it is the total opposite of that. I like how Bill Maher puts it "Atheist is a belief like abstinence is a sex position or "off" is a channel" NO CLAIM AT ALL THAT THERE IS NO GOD. It only exists in opposition to belief (basically you reject all known THEISM (mono-poly) so your an "A"theist emphasis on the "A" if you dont believe in Big Foot your an "A"BigFootist. Theres no doctrines, no dogmas,no commandments no traditions BECAUSE ITS NOT A BELIEF NOR A RELIGION its the REJECTION of claimed BELIEFS OR RELIGIONS. Next series of questions......"Then why are we here?" "then we should do as we please (kill rape steal etc etc) right? 1) I am almost certain and completely open to the idea that we have no divinely given purpose to be here. It's actually extremely settling....why? make your own purpose. Religions makes life the waiting room to see where your going to end up for the rest of eternity. Many religious people live within the pages (in this "waiting" room) with this "promise" of an afterlife at the end of the wick. They dont dance,drink, or many social/fun activities because its against what they "believe." (just look up the life of a puritan, they couldnt even be left handed. Many people dont even do anything on Sunday/Saturday THATS A SEVENTH OF YOUR SHORT LIFE lol) back to my point if you accept the fact that all you may ever have is these few short years and then your light goes out you should burn as bright as you can while you can. To the other question.....Why dont I, Evandro Monteiro just go out and rape a bitch if i dont think ill suffer any consequences lol well its cause im a nice guy and id feel guilty if i did. so basically your telling me you would kill/rape/steal someone of you could but you dont cause you wont get rewarded in an afterlife if you do? Kind of makes you look like an asshole huh? If im interfering with someone elses happiness it will interfere with mine. Im not good because im promised anything im good because i know others think and feel like i do(i dont mean that in the sense that they agree with me, i mean it in the literal sense that they THINK and FEEL like I do.) Its like the kid who goes to sleep because he knows its his bedtime vs the kid who goes to sleep because you threatened to take his PSP away. who's the better kid? Beat to your own drum and let your own moral compass guide you through right and wrong. got it?

Well said all i needed to say, as usual im right and if you disagree with me your probably wrong. (i say this sarcastically............but not really)

Just an introduction

Hello earthlings, welcome to my blog *X-files music starts playing*. Whats the purpose of this blog? Well same as my twitter but more serious (not deep or personal, still funny though, i always add a hint of comical relief) and interesting thoughts that I may have or come across and i kinda like writing (hate formal writing with a passion though so expect alot of grammatical errors.) This can be something you pop into on maybe a weekly basis and see whats bouncing around in my head. You dont really have the time or setting much nowadays to get thoughts out amongst other humans and that's even if you get a second to think at all. So this is an outlet cause i have much more to say than I can fit in 140 characters. and i dont want my IG to be a bunch of atheist pictures and smartsy meme's (bad bitches dont really gravitate towards that much feel me?.) BTW it felt amazing to start that sentence with "and" back there. *John Collins rolls in grave* (only stoughton people will get that.) I may have a bunch of initial post just cause ive been holding on to em for a long time and they probably will be the best one's too. Kinda like how jay-z reasons why his first album is his best because he made it when he was twenty six, so it was twenty sic years of experience and creativity going into that album unlike his others that were a year at the most in between. But anyway here we go.........