Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Just an introduction

Hello earthlings, welcome to my blog *X-files music starts playing*. Whats the purpose of this blog? Well same as my twitter but more serious (not deep or personal, still funny though, i always add a hint of comical relief) and interesting thoughts that I may have or come across and i kinda like writing (hate formal writing with a passion though so expect alot of grammatical errors.) This can be something you pop into on maybe a weekly basis and see whats bouncing around in my head. You dont really have the time or setting much nowadays to get thoughts out amongst other humans and that's even if you get a second to think at all. So this is an outlet cause i have much more to say than I can fit in 140 characters. and i dont want my IG to be a bunch of atheist pictures and smartsy meme's (bad bitches dont really gravitate towards that much feel me?.) BTW it felt amazing to start that sentence with "and" back there. *John Collins rolls in grave* (only stoughton people will get that.) I may have a bunch of initial post just cause ive been holding on to em for a long time and they probably will be the best one's too. Kinda like how jay-z reasons why his first album is his best because he made it when he was twenty six, so it was twenty sic years of experience and creativity going into that album unlike his others that were a year at the most in between. But anyway here we go.........

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