Saturday, September 7, 2013

Highly Improbable Things With a Satisfaction Guarantee

So i was on instagram and someone posted a picture of a rock papers scissors tournament. First thing i thought was "damn you gotta be really lucky to win one of those its hard to even just beat one person.
 (50/50 chance actually, either you tie,which means you go again, they throw something that beats you or you throw something that beats them, so negate the tie and you see why its 50/50 FOR THIS WHOLE POST WE ARE IGNORING THE VARIABLE OF READING PEOPLE OR KNOWING THEIR PATTERNS OF PLAYING).
*back on track*
Then (because i often like to take things to the extreme)(if your trying to make a point or show a difference exaggerate or stretch that point or difference to make it clear, its a good tactic i like to use)
I thought, what if there was a tournament of billions of players in Rock,Paper,Scissors (negate the fact that some people say the games not all luck as i stated earlier) somebody has to win. That would mean that literally if this were to happen somebody would have to win, thousands (maybe millions i didnt do the math) of games in a row. If the tournament were single elimination someone has to emerge victorious with a flawless record. This sounds extremely improbable and maybe even impossible to happen but it is actually GUARANTEED! Statistically if you do this tournament there is a 100% chance that someone wins thousands if not millions of games in a row. Which is crazy my nigga, imagine being that person that wins a million Rock,Paper,Scissors games in a row........Imagine being the guy that wins 999,999,999 and loses the last one...cause that's guaranteed to happen too (think about it)

I know its true but my mind really wont accept it until i see it so.......lets get a couple billion people and play.

If you dont like Rock,Paper,Scissors as an example substitute Dice. Imagine it were a single elimination tournament of dice and you had to roll a higher number than your competitor. Someone will roll higher than his competitor EVERY SINGLE TIME. (Ignore the fact that some people say they can roll dice a certain way to land a certain way)

Highly Improbable Things With a Satisfaction Guarantee, weird to think but true nonetheless. Some things can be likely but never happen, while on the other hand others can be extremely improbable but guaranteed. Strange world we live in.

*SIDE NOTE* Lorde- Royals is a fire fucking song idc fuck what ju heard.    

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