Tuesday, September 17, 2013


“In philosophy, or religion, or ethics, or politics, two and two might make five, but when one was designing a gun or an aeroplane they had to make four.” 
― George Orwell, 1984

WOW love this quote. So much im dedicating a blog to it. Where do i start......OBJECTIVITY.

Well truth be told there are very few things that are objective in this world, and all of them fall under the realm of science. Science being honest observations about the world around us. Basically, remove all forms of life from the universe and what you got left is OBJECTIVE. (not in relation to,relative,biased, exists independently of all things) Everything in this world is 2+2=4 no exceptions. 

Now throw humans into the equation and KABLOOOM explodes a world of subjectivity. Politics, religion, good vs evil, comedy, what's sophisticated vs barbaric,music, any ideology, i mean basically anything you can name(and everything that doesnt exist independent of human existance)  falls into this category. And it's the root of all human problems (at least i think so) everybody thinks that their "4" is the right "4" and your 2+2=5. That's where we run into problems, trying to assert objectivity into a subjectivity. 

The closest we can come to objectivity in the world of subjectivity is consensus. Somehow, someway every single society or culture has come to the agreement that murder, killing someone for your own personal personal gain or no reason at all, is bad. Or Beethoven's 5th symphony is playing and someone presses the wrong key, even if it where an indigenous aborigine listening to this for the first time he would recognize that the wrong key was pressed, or be able to tell the difference between a child smashing his hands against a piano vs an expert. we can all agree that the expert piano player is better than the child, even if there is one weird nigga out there who likes hearing random banging of keys. You can see that in a weird way we kind of can find objectivity even in some thing as subjective as music. And we can all agree music is subjective. there stuff i listen to people consider noise and nonsense but i really enjoy.

Just like we all came to the conclusion that murder is wrong and the expert is better than the child we can draw closer to better solutions on other topics. We dont always need objective clear cut answers to weed away foolishness. Like for example someone who will argue murder isnt bad, or the child is better than the expert, Tyranny is better than democracy, slavery is better than freedom, the list goes on. Take this for example. Let's apply some logic.

*x and y are positive* *statement 1 is true* *statement 2 and 3 are false*

Statement 1: x+y=Z
Statement 2 2x+2y=Z
Statement 3: 3x+3y=Z

Knowing statement 1 is true we can objectively say (even without knowing any of the variables) that Statement 2, although being false is closer to the answer than Statement 3. Look at that, without knowing where the answer is rooted!!! It's weird to think, it's almost like saying even though you dont know where the treasures buried we know that position B is closer than position C. We can continue to use this logic to get closer even though we may never find it (as in the example above there is no numerical value for X,Y,or Z)

So keep this in mind and scroll back up and read the quote again and think about it.

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