Okay a big thing I've been asked about on occasion and often hinted at around me (people rarely directly ask cause they feel its a touchy subject, not at all, though if your a beliver beware im not afraid to offend) is my "atheism." So here you go, Im gunna try and get it in a nutshell so i can write about it as little as possible. I don't believe non-reasonable claims on insignificant or no evidence. THATS IT. taaadaahhhhhhh lol. Then comes the magic word people who lack evidence love to use "Faith." Faith is a reason to believe something when there's no reason that you should. THAT'S NOT A VIRTUE. Let's stop putting faith on the shelf with "honest" "honorable" "charitable" and words like that because THOSE ARE VIRTUES. When people hear the phrase "He's a man of Faith" (only phrase i hate more than that "God fearing man" WTF does that even mean and why is that a good thing?!!?.....anyway) yea when i hear that phrase I hear "He's a man that believes shit when there's no reason at all to believe it" lol that's what i hear sorry. Dont get me wrong faiths not always bad, theres actually some evidence that show that say you have kemo-therapy or something, a person whom has given up hope and thinks he's dying is actually more likely to die (your optimism can actually lead to positive internal physical/biological effects). In a situation like that between a rock and a hard place if faith's all you got then sure i have no problem with that, i even would call faith a virtue in a situation like that because your refusing to give up hope. But "Faith" in a belief system that makes claims about the natural or the super natural, NO SIR. Red flag number 1) ARBITRARY. If it's on blind faith then why this one ever that one? why Jesus over Mohamed? or Mohamed over Jesus? Why not Thor? Zeus? Apollo? What if you were born here or there instead? EVEN WORSE what if you were born before many on these religions existed???? That's right these things didnt always exist. Judaism came about 4000 years ago Christianity 2000 years ago and Islam 1500 years ago. almost makes them seem....you know......man made? lmao anyways i could go on for days in flawed logic for belief but thats not that fun anymore. At first it was for the blaspheme(not gunna lie still fun at times) and personal dis-belief that people actually believe stupid shit (sometimes makes you wanna shake the shit outta them and scream "YOU FUCKING IDIOT DONT YOU SEE!!") But that wears off once you notice that people dont really like changing their stances on things because they dont want to look at where they once were and say "wow i was completely fucking wrong, how stupid of me" that of which i have no problem doing. One of my friends once told me somebody said that he was a bad arguer because he admits when he's wrong. ABSOLUTELY RETARDED. If your not willing to admit your wrong or change you position if a better argument overcomes yours there is no further reason to argue. your just arguing with a fool and Jay-z plainly states "A wise man once told me dont argue with fools, because people from far away cant tell who's who." *side tracked* so what im saying im willing to believe anything, if jesus descended from the sky tomorrow i would look up and say "damn.....guess i was wrong" (and have a series of questions for him.) Im done with laying the foundation to why i dont believe in any religion or Gods. It should be clear to you by now why. if you have any objections or "evidence" please....feel free
"WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN THEN?!?!" thats always the next question -_- okay first lets establish one thing ATHEISM IS NOT THE BELIEF THAT THEIR IS NO GOD. i know i know i know some dictionaries will say it is but there WRONG. 1) Atheism is not a belief it is the total opposite of that. I like how Bill Maher puts it "Atheist is a belief like abstinence is a sex position or "off" is a channel" NO CLAIM AT ALL THAT THERE IS NO GOD. It only exists in opposition to belief (basically you reject all known THEISM (mono-poly) so your an "A"theist emphasis on the "A" if you dont believe in Big Foot your an "A"BigFootist. Theres no doctrines, no dogmas,no commandments no traditions BECAUSE ITS NOT A BELIEF NOR A RELIGION its the REJECTION of claimed BELIEFS OR RELIGIONS. Next series of questions......"Then why are we here?" "then we should do as we please (kill rape steal etc etc) right? 1) I am almost certain and completely open to the idea that we have no divinely given purpose to be here. It's actually extremely settling....why? make your own purpose. Religions makes life the waiting room to see where your going to end up for the rest of eternity. Many religious people live within the pages (in this "waiting" room) with this "promise" of an afterlife at the end of the wick. They dont dance,drink, or many social/fun activities because its against what they "believe." (just look up the life of a puritan, they couldnt even be left handed. Many people dont even do anything on Sunday/Saturday THATS A SEVENTH OF YOUR SHORT LIFE lol) back to my point if you accept the fact that all you may ever have is these few short years and then your light goes out you should burn as bright as you can while you can. To the other question.....Why dont I, Evandro Monteiro just go out and rape a bitch if i dont think ill suffer any consequences lol well its cause im a nice guy and id feel guilty if i did. so basically your telling me you would kill/rape/steal someone of you could but you dont cause you wont get rewarded in an afterlife if you do? Kind of makes you look like an asshole huh? If im interfering with someone elses happiness it will interfere with mine. Im not good because im promised anything im good because i know others think and feel like i do(i dont mean that in the sense that they agree with me, i mean it in the literal sense that they THINK and FEEL like I do.) Its like the kid who goes to sleep because he knows its his bedtime vs the kid who goes to sleep because you threatened to take his PSP away. who's the better kid? Beat to your own drum and let your own moral compass guide you through right and wrong. got it?
Well said all i needed to say, as usual im right and if you disagree with me your probably wrong. (i say this sarcastically............but not really)
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