Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"Lack of'" VS "Opposites"

Just hit me that somethings have an "opposite" and some things are just "lack ofs." PEEP. Light and Heat dont have opposites. Charge and force do. There is no amount of darkness you can "add" to light to negate it  to zero,as there is no amount of cold you can add to heat to negate it to zero. Because theres no "negative" light and no "negative" heat. Let me explain the other two and maybe it will become a little clearer. An atom with equal protons and neutrons has a charge of ZERO because there charges are equal but OPPOSITE. now lets say force for example, the earth is pulling you towards the center with a force of lets call it 10 "units" the ground is pushing you up with and equal but OPPOSITE (in direction) 10 "units" of force, so it negates and we stand still.

This is how my mind see's it

"Lack there of's"

(No heat or light)0---------------------------------------------------------->10(Heat or light)


(negative charge)-10<--------------------------0-------------------------->10(positive charge)

Think of it this way, say a room A is kind of bright and room B is really bright, is there an opposite brightness for each room?
Or say room A is 72 degrees and room B is 100 degrees is there an opposite temperature for each room?
No. They dont exist in "opposite" land, they exist in "lack of" land.

If a train is moving there is a force you can "add" in the opposite direction to negate it and make it stop
If an atom has a +1 charge you an "add" an electron to negate it back to a neutral charge

 It's just a natural speech pattern (and wrongfully so) to refer to cold as the opposite of hot and dark as the opposite of light when there not, there "lack there ofs"

I would be very interested to see what else goes in what category "lack there ofs" or "opposites"
please share if any come to mind.

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