I was kind of blown away today by the extent of my grandma's knowledge. This is by no means ridiculing her but rather pointing out such visible contrast. My grandmother got a box of ensure's and she wanted me to take them out the box and put them away for her, so i did. But he wanted to know how much came in the box. The box had two layers so i counted up and counted six and across and got four and multiplied by two to get get 48. so i turn to her and in creole said,"querente-oithu" (creole isnt an official language and has no alphabet/language so just read that phonetically.) Now, my grandma thinks im being lazy and dont want to count so she tells me again to count them as i put them away. That's when it dawned on me that my Grandma has not the slightest clue about the concept of multiplication.
She takes out the ensures and counts them one by one and counts them and sure enough gets to 48 and gives me a look of disbelief as though i am 1) Magical or 2) Extremely lucky. All for doing basic math a second or third grader could do. But she was born in cape verde a very long time ago, she never went to school (though does know how to read a little) and she moved here around the age 60 something. She didnt have a chance to learn no damn multiplication. People in my fathers time barely went to school, never mind my grandmothers. Another time i realize the short extent of her knowing I was watching a washing ton redskins game and she saw the stadium packed and she thought most of America was at the game. Never mind just a fraction of a district not even big enough to be a state lol.
Anyway it was just something that struck me earlier today.I place high value on intelligence when it comes to a person but at the end of a day its just a plus. I think the means of evaluating someone should be based on a scale where everyone has equal opportunity to reach it's summits. Since mental capacities vary from person to person and as you see here, often situational I wouldn't make intelligence the golden standard of evaluating someone, but it is a plus. Since everyone has an equal capacity of treating others well and being nice to people i think it serves better as a universal standard. "I'll take a nice idiot over a smart asshole anyday of the week" -Jim Jerferies (comedian) So my Grandma's still the shit, cause she's a nice lady....that has a mean face lol
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